Darkwing Duck 440 игр
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Описание: Игровая приставка 8 bit Darkwing Duck 440 игр

Игровая приставка 8 bit Darkwin Duck (440 игр) со встроенными играми.

В комплект 8-битной приставки 8 bit Darkwin Duck входит:
  • Игровая консоль 8-Бит (системный блок 5V) 
  • Два игровых геймпада (1,5м) (узкий разъём - 9 Pin)
  • Блок питания (сетевой адаптер 220V) 
  • Телевизионный AV кабель (1,5м) (2 RCA - 2 RCA)  
  • Световой пистолет (1,5м) (Внимание: световой пистолет работает только на ЭЛТ (кинескопных) телевизорах, на ЖК и плазменных , пистолет работать не будет!)
  • Инструкция по эксплуатации на русском языке 
  • 440 встроенных игр :
1942, 75 Bingo, 8 Eyes, Abarenb, Abscondee, Adventure Island, Adventure Island 2, Adventure Island 3, Adventure Island 4, Adventures of Bayou Billy, Adventures of Dino Riki, Adventures Of Lolo, Adventures Of Lolo 2, Adventures of Rocky, Aether Cruiser, Aim Cruise, Aimless, Air Alert, Airwolf, Aladdin, Aladdin II, Alien 3, All-Pro Basketball, Animal Contest, Anon Gunman, Antarctic A, Anti - Terror Action, Arkanoid, Arkista's Ring, Astro Fang, Astyanax, Atlantis no Nazo, Awful Rushing, Babel no Tou, Back to the Future, Bad Dudes, Balda, Balloon Fight, Baltron, Banana, Baseball, Batman, Batman 3, Battle City, Battle Tank, Battleship, Bestiarian, Binary Land, Bird Fighter, Bird Week, Blaster Master, Blocks World, Bomb King, Bomberman, Bombsweeper, Bonk's Adventure, Boogerman, Bruce Lee 2, Brush Roller, Bubble, Bubble Bobble 1, Bubble Bobble Part 2, Bucky Ohare, Bug Catcher, Buggy Popper, Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, Bug's War, Burbles, BurgerTime, Burrow Explorer, Busy Bar, B-Wings, Candy Workshop, Cannonade, Captain America, Captain Planet, Captain Tsubasa Vol 2, Card G, Castle Excellent, Castlevania II, Chack'n Pop, Challenger, Championship Bowling, Championship.Lode.Runner, Chase H.Q., Chip 'n Dale, Chip 'n Dale 2, Chiyo No Fuji No Ooichou, Circus Charlie, City Connection, Clu Clu Land, Coast Guard, Cobra Command, Code Name - Viper, Conquest of the Crystal, Contest, Contra, Contra Force, Cookies Labyrinth, Cosmic E, Cow Boy, Cowboy Kid, Crazyland, Cross Fire, Crystal Blast, Cub Adventure, Cybernoid, Darkman, Darkwing Duck, Dead Fox, Debar Bomb, Deblock, Defender II, Deformable, Dejectile, Depth Bomb, Devil World, Diamond, Dig Dug, Dinosaur'bale, Djboy, Donald Land, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong.Jr, Double Dragon, Double Dragon 2, Double Dragon 3, Double Dragon 4, Dr. Mario, Dragon Spirit, Dragon's Lair, Drop Zone, Duck, Duck Hunt, Dune War, Dynamite Bowl, Elevator Action, Eliminator Boat Duel, Escapeway, Excitebike, Exerion, F-1 Race, Fair's Treasure, Falling Blocks, Family Boxing, Fast Gunman, Fated Pirate, Felix The Cat 2, Ferrari, Field Combat, Final Blood, Final Mission, Fire Bird, Fire Dragon, Firebase, Firehouse Rescue, Fire'n Ice, First Defender, Fish Story, Five Days, Flappy, Fling Ball, Flintstones, Flintstones 2, Flipull, Forest Adventure, Forest Guard, Frantic Mouse, Friday the 13th, Front Line, Fruit Dish, Fruit gift, Galaga, Galaxian, Gallagant, Garden War, Gate, Geimos, Ghost Castle, Go! Benny!, Goal 3, Golden Bird, Golf, Goonies, The, Gorby No Pipeline, Gotcha, Gradius, Greeds, Gremlins 2, Guerrilla War, Gun Dec, Gun Nac, Gunfignt, Gyrodine, Gyruss, Hallihoo, Hammer Nail, Hammerin' Harry, Happy Match, Harry Potter, Heavy Barrel, Hello Kitty, Hexapod New, Hexapod War, Hiryuu, Hiryuu 3, Hogan Alley, Home Alone 2, Hoops, Hot Blood Basketball, Hot Blood High School, Hot Blood March, Hot Blood Soccer 2, Hot Blood Volleyball, Hot Blood Wrestle, Hunt For Red October, Ice Climber, Ice Ocean, Ikari III - The Rescue, Ikki, Invader, Iq Champion, Iron Tank, Island, Isolated Warrior, Jackie Chan's Action, James Bond, Jewelry, Jim 3, Joe & Mac, Journey to Silius, Juju Densetsu, Jump Jump, Jumping kid, Jungle Book, Juuouki, Kabuki, Kage, Kage no Densetsu, Kamen, Karateka, Karnov, Kero Kero Keroppi 1, Kero Kero Keroppi 2, Kick Master, Kickle Cubicle, Killer Tomatoes, Krusty's Fun House, Kung Fu, Kyuukyoku Tiger, Labyrinth, Last Action Hero, Last Ninja, The, Lion King, Little Nemo, Lode Runner, Lowgman, Lunar Pool, Lunarian, Mach Rider, Macross, Mad Max, Mad Xmas, Mafat Conspiracy, Magic jony, Magmax, Mappy, Mappy Land, Mario Bros, Mario is Missing!, Mega Man 3, Metal Storm, Metro Cross, Mickey in Numberland, Mickey Mouse, Mighty Bomb Jack, Mighty Final Fight, Millipede, Mission Impossible, Mitsume, Monster In My Pocket, Moon Crystal, Motoboat, Ms Pac-Man, Nekketsu Hockey bu, Nekketsu Shin Kiroku, Newzealand Story, Ninja Cat, Ninja Kun, Ninja Ryukenden 2, Ninja Ryukenden 3, Ninja Turtles 1, Ninja Turtles 2, Ninja Turtles 3, Nintendo World Cup, Nuts & Milk, Othello, P.O.W, Pac-Man, Pac-Mania, Panic Restaurant, Panzer Attack, Parasol, Penguin Kun Wars, Penta Base, Pinball, Pipe Dream, Pobble, Polar Bat, Pong of Wars, Pooyan, Pop, Popeye, Power Blade, Power Blade 2, Pro Wrestling, Probotector 2, Project Doom, Punisher, The, Pyramid, Q-bert, Quarth, Race America, Rackets & Rivals, Rampage, Rampart, Ren & Stimpy, Rnpid Gunnery, Road Blasters, Road Fighter, Robocop, RoboCop 2, RoboCop 3, Robot, Rock 'n' Ball, Rockin' Kats, Rollerblade Racer, RuralGoblin, Saint, Sea of Dreamland, Season Garden, Seicross, Seikima II, Shadow Of The Ninja, Shadow Warriors, Sharp Shooter, Shatterhand, Shock Wave, Shoot Ufo, Shooter_1, Shooter_2, Shootout, Shrew Mouse, Silent Hunter, Silk Worm, Sky Destroyer, Skywing, Slalom, Small Dinosaur, Snow Bros, Snowball, Snowfield Shoot, Soap Panic, Soccer, Solomon Key, Sonson, Space 2050, Space Invaders, Spartan X, Spider Man, Spy Hunter, Sqoon, Squashed, Star Fighter, Star Force, Star Gate, Star Wars 2, Strafe, Street Challenge, Street Fighter 2010, Summer Carnival'92, Sunman, Super Chinese, Super Contra 2, Super Dodge Ball, Super Donkey Kong 2, Super Dyna'mix Badminton, Super Mario Bros, Super Shinobi, Super Shoot, Super Sprint, Super Spy Hunter, Superman, Surprise, Sword Master, T&C Surf Design, Tagin Dragon, Taito Basketball, Tale Spin, Tank 1995, Tennis, Terminator, Terminator 2, Tetris, Tetris 2, , The Archer The Legend Of Prince, Time zone, Tiny Toon Adventures, Tiny Toon Adventures 2, Toki, Tom & Jerry, Tom & Jerry 3, Tom Sawyer, Tournament Fighters, Toxic Crusaders, Track & Field, Trolls in Crazyland, Twin Cards, Undersea Arena, Vangvard, Vball, Vindicators, Volguard 2, Wacky Races, War Wolf, Warehn18, Warpman, Warrior, Whomp'Em, Widget, Wild Gunman, Wolverine, Wonder Rabbit, Xevious, Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Yoshi's Cookie, Young Indiana, Zen Ninja, Zippy Race


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